Every one of you is well aware how important your eyes are in your day-to-day life. Neglecting your eye health can impact your eyesight in the long term. We often engage in bad habits that damage the health of our eyes and reduce the quality of our vision.
Check out our list of 5 common habits that can pose harm to the overall health of your eyes –
- Continuously Staring at your Smartphones/ Computer: In a 2018 study, researchers discovered that the blue light emitted by these devices can damage the photoreceptors of the retina, increasing the risk of one day going blind. In today’s age it is hard to image a day without your smartphone, but to minimize the risk, it’s recommended not to use your smartphone in the dark.
- Exposure to Sun: Continuous exposure of the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun may pose a severe threat to your eyes. The best way to protect your eyes is to wear sunglasses. Choose lenses that offer complete protection against UVA and UVB rays and are large enough to protect the entire eye area.
- Smoking: Smoking can lead to cataracts, blood vessel damage, and a disease called uveitis, all of which can lead to vision loss. Quit smoking!
- Eating junk food: Diet plays an important role in eye health. Make sure that you are getting omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, vitamins C and E, zinc and other important vitamins and minerals from your diet. Deficiency of any of these may affect your eye health adversely.
- Rubbing Your Eyes regularly: Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes with your dirty hands. You won’t want to risk having an eye infection or irritation like conjunctivitis.
Apart from these habits make sure to stay hydrated and always visit an ophthalmologist for a routine eye checkup regularly.