Stretching is one of the most neglected part of most peoples training. Stretching is an important aspect of training which helps better your muscular flexibility and thereby improving the range of motion during exercise. This improved range of motion gives a bigger stress to the muscle which leads to better hypertrophy and less injuries.
While there are many types of stretches, Active and passive stretches are frequently performed by most. The difference between these two stretches is the involvement of a assistance that helps you stretch. Passive stretches are the one where you take help of an external assistance that helps you relax the muscle you are stretching and depend upon the external force to hold the body in position of the stretch. The external force can be either your body, strap, bar etc. Grabbing your ankle while performing a quadricep stretch is an example of a passive stretch.
Active stretch on the other hand does not involve an external force to be applied for purpose of a stretch. Active stretching is more common in yoga. Here you are actively stretching one muscle group to stretch another or the opposite muscle. In this type of stretching you relax the active muscle and rely on the opposite muscle to provide the stretch you desire. Active stretches are considered safer as the force is applied by you and you are well aware about the challenge level provided.
#Stretches #ActivePassive #Flexibility #PGTraining#Mobility