
Physique Global

Akshay Kolhatkar

united kingdom
Physique Global – Associate

From sneaking into a gym to becoming a national level powerlifter. Akshay Kolhatkar has seen it all. A K11 and Rip60 certified trainer with knowledge of cross-fit, powerlifting, functional training, Akshay plans to create gladiators in India.

An average student at school found his passion in pumping iron at the age of 17 where he sneaked into a local gym for about 2 months before he was found doing so by the school warden.
Those 2 months created an iron warrior out of Akshay Kolhatkar and here he is today with a room full of trophies and medals at various powerlifting and bodybuilding competitions in India.
A Neulife/Grenade athlete since 2013, Akshay has earned himself a great reputation in the powerlifting circuit in India.

Currently at the peak of his career, Akshay is eyeing the World powerlifting championship to be held in the month of October. He has dedicated himself completely towards that championship and trains about twice a day to make sure he performs at the optimum levels during the contest.
Today he spends a lot of time in helping others with their fitness/powerlifting needs. Along with his workouts he wants to help the ones who also desire but lack the knowledge and know how in order to achieve their desired fitness goals. He conducts online as well as one on one training that includes your diet planning, exercise pattern and techniques and also the right approach to training.

He also conducts various seminars and gym mentorship classes for corporates and gyms respectively. His mentorship programs helps the gym get a clear vision of how to grow and help clients thereby ensuring the sustainability of the gymnasium.

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