
Physique Global


Dietary trends will always exist, continuously changing our beliefs and food choices in its most of the minute manner. One of the staple foods in the entire world; Rice, has been subjugated to such a change. The question further quests the answer to which among the two types of rice,

Importance of Post Workout Meal

Avid gym-goers and bodybuilders know full well that they need to have a post workout meal if they want to capitalize on their muscle gains. Eating within the feeding window of 1 hour after a workout is a must if you want to build muscle. But does this window actually

Himalayan Rock Salt, a healthier alternative to common salt.

Himalayan Rock salt is one of the most mineral rich salt available to us. It is also known as pink rock salt because of its distinctive pale pink color. The crystals of Himalayan salt are in their purest forms because the area where they are seen as not only one

Kitchen Scale, one of the most important took while dieting.

A kitchen scale is one of the most effective kitchen accessories when it comes to dieting. Dieting requires food to be consumed in certain fixed quantities as the macro calculations play a vital role in attaining your objective. Kitchen scale comes in very handy as it helps you calculate those

Sleep also builds muscle

Ever wondered why sleep plays a major role in muscle building. Studies suggest that the amount of growth hormone release goes up during sleep. More and better growth hormone results in more muscle regeneration and recovery which in turn leads to better-looking muscles. Another benefit of a good sleep is